The Alton R-IV School District will be hosting a Back to School Fair on Monday, August 8th from 8:00-5:00 in the Multipurpose Building at Alton Elementary. This event is open to any student currently enrolled in the Alton R-IV School District. Attendees will receive all school supplies needed for the school year. Several community organizations will be on hand to offer services including the Christos House, Ozark Action, and the Family Support Division, The Southern Missouri Community Health Center will be offering attendees a free dental screening. Hygiene items will also be available free of charge donated by Unilever. Free haircuts will be offered as well. Students in attendance may sign up for a chance to win 1 of 3 chromebooks donated by the Alton Bank! We hope to see lots of Comets at our fair!
almost 2 years ago, Alton Elementary
New student enrollment for grades Preschool-12th will take place on Monday and Tuesday, August 8th and 9th. Registration will take place from 8:00-3:00 in each building foyer. Enrollment for grades PreK-5 will be held in the elementary and enrollment for grades 6-12 will be held in the high school. Please bring an immunization record, birth certificate, and proof of residency (utility bill, license, rental agreement, etc.) for all students being enrolled. Parents should also bring copies of any legal documents, such as custody agreements. If you have questions, please contact one of our school counselors. You may also DM the Alton R-IV School District. Grades Pk- 5: Grades 6-12:
almost 2 years ago, Alton Elementary
Mark your calendars for our annual Back to School Open House! This event will be held on August 18th from 6:00-7:30. Come meet your teacher and see your classroom! Feel free to bring your school supplies in that night as well. Stop by the tent outside for a hotdog and water provided by the Alton R-IV Board of Education! Orientations will also be going on in conjunction with Open House. Preschool and kindergarten parents should plan to arrive at 5:30 for an informational meeting in the Multipurpose Building. The middle school and high school will also be holding the following orientations in the high school cafeteria: - 6th Grade @ 5:30 - 9th Grade @ 6:15 - 12th Grade @ 7:00 We invite all students and parents to join us for this special event!
almost 2 years ago, Alton Elementary
Hey parents! We wanted to let you know about a convenient feature available now through Wal-Mart! Our elementary school supply list has been uploaded to the website! ๐Ÿ‘‰ Coolest feature: Pull up your school's supply list. Find a preloaded list of your child's supplies that you can add to your cart! ๐Ÿ‘‰ Shop by price (prices start at JUST .24 cents) ๐Ÿ‘‰ Shop by grade
almost 2 years ago, Alton Elementary
Itโ€™s almost time for the 22-23 School Year! Here is the supply list for our elementary. We will be holding a back to school fair on August 8th. Be watching our Facebook page for further details about this event in the near future!
almost 2 years ago, Alton Elementary
Please share!
almost 2 years ago, Alton Comets
bus driver
For all Alton School District stakeholders, please take a few minutes to answer the survey regarding the continuation and preparation of the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP). We are grateful for your support. It's a great day to be a COMET!
almost 2 years ago, Alton Comets
2022-2023 Vaccination Reminder: If you have a student going into 8th grade they will need a Tdap and MCV vaccination or exemption on file with the school BEFORE the first day of school. If you have a student going into 12th grade they will need their 2nd MCV vaccination or exemption on file with the school BEFORE the first day of school. Please make sure to notify Leslie Weyland RN School Nurse as soon as your student receives the vaccination or provide an exemption form.
almost 2 years ago, Leslie Weyland
Come join the Alton R-IV Superintendent, Dr. Julie Williams on July 12, 2022, at Cornfed Rascal at 7:00 AM to hear the great things she has planned for back to school! Dr. Williams will even pay for your coffee! All community patrons welcome!
almost 2 years ago, Alton Comets
This past week we said goodbye to our superintendent, Dr. Eric Allen. While Dr. Allen was our superintendent he worked diligently to ensure raises were always awarded to the employees, fought for our Federal Forest money that we were in jeopardy of losing, and always listened to employee concerns. His love for the district did not go unnoticed. Thank you, Dr. Allen for leading us. You will be missed!
almost 2 years ago, Alton Comets
Are you at least 16 years old and wanting a great job? Alton R-IV is looking to hire a teen this summer! For more information, please contact Dr. Julie Williams at or 417-778-7216. We would love to hear from you!
almost 2 years ago, Alton Comets
Be sure to coordinate your studentโ€™s FREE sports physical before school starts! Below are options available from Ozarks Healthcare. ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป
almost 2 years ago, Alton R-IV
Alton R-IV is accepting applications for the positions of cook and custodian. For more information contact the superintendent's office at 417-778-7216 ext. 1240.
almost 2 years ago, Alton Comets
Itโ€™s almost show time! ๐Ÿ„ ๐Ÿ– ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ‘ Alton Comets of all ages are gearing up for the Howell County Heart of the Ozarks Fair in West Plains. Students (and parents) have spent countless hours investing time into their livestock projects to prepare for this event. Showing begins Monday morning at 8am and the live auction will be held Tuesday evening starting at 6pm. Animals are on display for your viewing any time these two days. We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Alton R-IV
Dr. Julie Williams has been named the Superintendent of Alton R-IV School District effective July 1, 2022. โ€œFor 31 years, I have dedicated my life to public education,โ€ said Williams. โ€œI truly believe it is a duty to give back to society and to engross ourselves in the community in which we serve. My greatest passion is to advocate for rural schools and for the impoverished students of Missouri. It has been said, โ€˜If kids come to us from strong, healthy functioning families, it makes our job easier. If they do not come to us from strong, healthy, functioning families, it makes our job more important.โ€™ I will continue to advocate for equitable access for Missouri students so each may find success regardless of their background. My father, my siblings, my children, and I all attended Alton R-IV schools. I am grateful for the excellent education we received and have endearing memories of Oregon County. I am excited to share my experience as I team with a new district and look forward to my future in Alton.โ€ Please join us in welcoming Dr. Williams back home!
almost 2 years ago, Alton R-IV
Summer School Starts May 31st! All students will receive free meals! We hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Alton Comets
summer school
6-12th grade report cards will be emailed to parents next week. If an email is not on file, it will be mailed.
about 2 years ago, Alton Comets
This year's 2022 elementary class pictures that were taken by Yearbook staff are not available to send home with students today. They will be given to teachers to pass out at the beginning of the next school year in August. Again, I appreciate your understanding. -Mrs. Cockrum
about 2 years ago, Alton Comets
Parents, Due to technical difficulties with our system, grade cards for elementary students will not be sent out via email until tomorrow. Students who usually receive paper copies of their grades will be sent home with grade cards today. All students are promoted to the next grade level unless you have been otherwise notified by the district. Please contact the school with any questions or concerns.
about 2 years ago, Alton Elementary
Mr. Hunt and Mrs. Orchardโ€™s classes kicked off the final week of school by doing some epic experiments! The students saw what happened when you mix soda and mentos together, a chemical reaction that produces foam, and made some ooey gooey slime!
about 2 years ago, Brandon Hunt